Ego death is a very important part of truly understanding and empathizing with another.
Ego Death – Alexandre Porto· 3 min read

Ego death is a term that refers to the loss of identity.
Some people regard ego-death as an experience in which one has no sense of self, and therefore feels like they are nothingness or oneness with everything around them.
The experience of ego death can be caused by psychedelics because these drugs are known to cause dissociation.
When you take a large dose of an entheogen, your perception is often altered in such ways that you may feel like you are not ‘yourself’, but another being or non-being altogether.
I think that the experience of ego death is a very important part of truly understanding and empathizing with another.
Learn more about responsible use of psychedelics:
For example, it helps to understand the perspective of people who have been oppressed or discriminated against in some way.
It helps to understand the perspective of people who are very different from themselves.
It is easy to see that another person has feelings, and it is easy to empathize with them. But it is not so easy when someone’s experience or perspective diverges too much from oneself.
I believe that the experience of ego death can help to break down these barriers. It can help to see things from someone else’s perspective more clearly, even if only temporarily.
This can be particularly helpful in politics and other situations where people have different opinions.
The experience of ego death also helps to break down barriers between people. Not just in terms of empathy, but it can also help us to see things from someone else’s perspective more clearly.
Ego death can help to break down the barriers between individuals, and even small barriers between groups of people.
Inducing Ego Death With Psychedelics

If you really want to induce ego death then I would argue that it is not the psychedelic itself that does this but rather the person using the substance.
Psychedelics in and of themselves do not have an effect on your view or perception, they only give you a glimpse into what is already there.
This is why the environment in which you take these substances is so important:
If you are in a safe and comfortable place with people you trust, then chances are that your experience will be one of self-exploration.
When I tried psychedelics, they didn’t induce a change in my view, but rather allowed me to explore and discover things about myself that were already there.
Psychedelics simply enhanced whatever state of mind you are in so if you are feeling good then chances are that your experience will be a positive one.
On the other hand, if you are taking them in a negative environment with people you don’t feel safe around, then psychedelics would induce an ego-death because when you are intoxicated it is hard to maintain anything but your true self.
If there is no one there to hold up the facade then it will crumble and reveal what lies beneath.
This is what I think anyway if you are interested in reading more about my views on this topic:
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