Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Improve Your Life With Fibonacci.

    Fibonacci’s Secret: Tomorrow = Today + Yesterday The Fibonacci Sequence reveals a rule for a better future The Fibonacci sequence is a pattern that can be identified in many (many many many…) natural structures. For example, flowers tend to develop in Fibonacci’s fashion. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,… We can understand this pattern by starting with Zero and One (0…

  • Does Zen Make You A Better Person?

    Does Practicing Zen Make Someone Into a Better Person? The best way to describe the practice of Zen is as a process. Many people have had great success in achieving enlightenment by practicing meditation and living in accordance with Buddhist precepts. However it could be argued that these are both methods that are not part…

  • How to Practice Zen?

    The most important principles of zen are: Non-attachment; Contentment; Acceptance; Non-attachment: This means that one should not be attached to anything. In fact, the Buddha taught his disciples to let go of everything. Contentment: This means that one should be satisfied with what they have in life. One should not desire for more, because it…

  • Negotiating With The Psychedelic Substance

    Negotiating With The Psychedelic Substance

    There might be a reliable way to talk with a personification of the psychedelic substance. How to get power out of the trip?

  • The Key to Navigating Reality is Letting Go

    The Key to Navigating Reality is Letting Go

    Knowing how to navigate reality will help you to navigate the psychedelic landscape. The key is not to hold the edges!

  • Psychedelics: Do I take a Microdose or a Full dose?

    Psychedelics: Do I take a Microdose or a Full dose?

    Working in a high-end smart shop I often get this question: Day adventure or microdose with psychedelics?

  • 4 Benefits of Microdosing With Psychedelics

    4 Benefits of Microdosing With Psychedelics

    4 benefits of microdosing with psychedelics. Microdose is when you implement psychedelics into your lifestyle in doses that are barely noticeable. In my experience working with psychedelics I discovered that this world has much more to offer than I expected.

  • 5 Tips For The Perfect Psychedelic Journey

    This is my personal checklist. With 5 only five items I make sure that I’m ready even for the most challenging psychedelic trip.

  • Psychedelics: The Mind Exploring Tool

    Psychedelics: The Mind Exploring Tool

    Psychedelics are powerful substances that have the power to change a person’s senses and perceptions shooting them into a super-productive journey.

Got any book recommendations?