Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Impact of Psychedelics On Society

    What if we trip collectively? Alexandre Porto · 3 min read It is hard to say what the impact psychedelics will have on society. In terms of changing consciousness, it does seem obvious that they have some effect on at least a lot of people who use them. I would say that it is hard to measure…

  • Musashi’s Rules to Mastery: Think of What is Right and True

    In The Book of Five Rings, Musashi reveals the rules of mastery. Step one: Alexandre Porto 5 min read The Book of Five Rings was written in one sitting. “I take my brush and begin to write, at 4:00 A.M. on the night of the tenth day of the tenth month, 1643.” Musashi is the most…

  • Socrates: Teacher of Teachers

    How does Socrates continuously revolutionize how we teach? Socrates is the teacher of teachers: Alexandre Porto Originally Published in History of Yesterday on Jan 3  · 6 min read Being rational helps us with the process of being logical. And you should try to be as rational and logical as possible if you are interested in profiting…

  • Psychedelics: A Non-Religious Spiritual Awakening

    A – not quite – ordinary way of understanding everything Alexandre PortoDec 30, 2020 · 2 min read As you know, humans use psychedelics in order to induce a psychological state that is not only highly expansive and unconstrained by reality or even the self but also usually filled with joy and bliss. The experience of many people, myself included,…

  • Conquer yourself. Now.

    A comprehensive guide to conquering yourself right now. Alexandre Porto 5 min read What is conquering yourself? To conquer yourself, one has to have a self. One’s identity as an individual should be completely obliterated for your own self to be defeated. If the self-identity of an individual is not so easily destroyed, then it cannot…

  • How To Get a Job In Psychedelics

    How I landed a job in a high-end smartshop This story was originally published in The Trip. Alexandre Porto · 8 min read Last year, my career with a job in psychedelics started. I worked in a Smartshop — a shop that sells smart drugs — talking to people of many cultures and experience levels.…

  • Kratom: Smart Drug for a Highly Productive Lifestyle

    Highly effective people looking for a competitive edge; Smart drugs can be a useful tool when used responsibly. Alexandre Porto 3 min read In the last 12 months, I built a new life in Amsterdam. There, I had the opportunity to work in a smart shop. A smart shop is a shop that specializes in smart…

  • WhatsApp Now Shares Your Data With Third Parties

    How Facebook is Systematically Destroying Your Privacy. Alexandre Porto Today Twitter has exploded with the new WhatsApp (#WhatsApp #WhatsappPrivacy) privacy policy that simply renders your privacy non-existent. This policy is forced, meaning that It’s not opt-out. If a user doesn’t accept the terms he or she will be unable to access their own messages and…

  • Working the legal market of Microdosing with mushrooms.

    Alexandre Porto In Amsterdam, I had the opportunity to talk professionally to high-performance people who wanted to implement Microdosing of mushrooms into their lifestyles. Here are some of their most notable results: 4 min read First I want to talk quickly about the back-end professional side of this market. Since 2008, in Holland, the fruit…

  • Don’t hold the edges: the smooth sailing of life

    In the big cosmic river of life, we can sail smoothly by rejecting attachment. Alexandre Porto There is a state of living that emanates light and carefreeness. This state arises from a certain shape of the mind which allows for the free-flowing of life. This mindset is a view of life that considers every day…

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