Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 4 Principles of Psychedelic Harm Reduction

    Breaking Down of Zendo Project’s Harm Reduction Principles The Zendo Project is an organization that has the objective to provide a safe space for psychonauts going through challenging psychedelic experiences and other psychological emergencies with the mission to make these challenges meaningful and constructive. They are also focused on providing resources to those who want…

  • How to Connect With People

    What You Feel; They Feel Connect With People – Alexandre Porto · 7 min read · When you say ‘connect to people’, I think of the human need for social interaction. People who do not feel socially connected are lonely and unhappy, whereas those who have friends and family tend to be happier. Social connection…

  • Preparing For a (life-changing) Psychedelic Experience

    To prepare for a sacred mystical experience is to prepare for life. I have seen many people talk about how to prepare for a psychedelic trip, yet I do not think they know what it is like.  For example, one might say ‘you should eat well beforehand’ or ‘take your time and set good intentions’. But…

  • If You Don’t Write Every Day, Your Life Could Be Better.

    Science sheds a light on the drastic benefits of writing daily. Write Every Day – Alexandre Porto · 4 min read There are many angles in which we can examine the benefits of sitting down to write every single day. Humanity has known of the benefits of expressive writing since the first humans started to express their life…

  • How to activate your Avatar state

    Nickelodeon’s Avatar showed a generation how to act properly Avatar State – Alexandre Porto · 6 min read In the animation created by Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino called Avatar: The Last Airbender, the watcher follows the main character, a boy called Aang that has a deep connection with a bloodline of people that can…

  • Racism Is An Integral Part Of Human History

    And we can change it. Alexandre Porto 3 min read Some Say that human history started in the late 16th century when humanity first stepped foot on a new world and began to spread across the globe. This period of human history is known as colonialism, but it was also accompanied by another concept that has been…

  • The Purpose of Life Is To Find The Right Rhythm

    How to go about it? The Purpose of Life – Alexandre Porto Sep 2 · 1 min read People just try things out; they are drawn to certain lifestyles, religions, hobbies, and jobs. This goes on until they hit upon some kind of way of living that allows them to enjoy themselves in a healthy state.…

  • Finally, What is Ego Death?

    Finally, What is Ego Death?

    Ego death is a very important part of truly understanding and empathizing with another. Ego Death – Alexandre Porto· 3 min read Ego death is a term that refers to the loss of identity. Some people regard ego-death as an experience in which one has no sense of self, and therefore feels like they are nothingness or oneness with everything…

  • Master Any Skill. Fast.

    Master Any Skill. Fast.

    I will tell you how I would learn any skill quickly. Alexandre Porto 3 min read Knowing Progress I don’t know if there is a single way to master any art fast, so I will instead tell you how I would go about learning any skill quickly. First, I would need to have or create a reliable…

  • Psychedelic Means Open Mind

    Definition of the word Psychedelic Psychedelic Alexandre Porto Dec 12, 2020 · 5 min read First, there is the problem of knowing what psychedelic substances are. The word ‘psychedelic’ comes from two Greek words: Psyche and Delos meaning mind-revealing. Psychedelics can be defined as any chemical substance that causes changes in perception, thoughts, or feelings by acting on the brain. It is unknown exactly how these…

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